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Non-Leptonic Three-Body B Decays: Theory and Phenomenology

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    Project Overview   


NIOBE is a research project in the field of High Energy Physics, funded by the EU under Horizon 2020 Framework Research Program H2020-EU.1.3.2. through a Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant (H2020-MSCA-IF-2015), funding scheme MSCA-IF-GF.


The research project deals with the Theory and Phenomenology of Non-Leptonic Three-Body B Decays. For details about the physics see 'The Physics'.  Some details about the grant:














The grant was terminated on 31/08/2019 when the PI Javier Virto became a Ramón y Cajal Fellow at the Department of Quantum Physics and Astrophysics at the University of Barcelona.


The project results are summarized here, and a summary of the activities of the fellow within the operation of the grant can be found here.




  • Grant Period:    From 01/07/2017 to 31/08/2019

  • Funding amount:  214,828.00 €

  • Host Institution:   Technische Universität München (TUM)

  • Partner Institution:   Massachussets Institute of Technology (MIT)

  • Coordinator & Principal Investigator:   Javier Virto

  • Host Coordinator: Martin Beneke (TUM)

  • Partner Coordinator: Iain Stewart (MIT)

Ancla 2

    The Physics   

Particle physics is well described by a quantum and relativistic theory of gauge bosons and a Higgs field, interacting with three “families” of quarks and leptons. This theory is called the Standard Model (SM), and it has been tested over the last 50 years with impressive success. Yet we know that the framework must be extended, to account for Gravity, Dark Matter, the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe, and other less obvious requirements. This extension should lead to large visible “new physics” (NP) effects at high energies. Exploring these high-energy realms can be done by directly producing new particles --the so-called “Energy Frontier”-- or by precision experiments --the "Intensity (or Precision) Frontier”.


A set of very interesting processes to test the SM and to search for NP at the Intensity Frontier are “flavor” processes: those involving particular interactions among different families of fermions. The experimental program to study these processes has been very wide (CLEO, BaBar, Belle, CDF, D0, etc.), and has a promising future (LHC, Belle-II). About 20 of the parameters of the SM can only be measured through flavor processes, such as those governing CP violation (related to the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the Universe). Of these, 10 are related to the quark sector, and require studying processes involving hadrons (bound states of quarks). It is in this context that the theoretical and experimental study of Non-Leptonic B Decays has been a major part in the high-energy physics program.


However, there is an interesting problem related to flavor processes involving hadrons: physics at confining scales is always relevant. This physics cannot be described within perturbation theory (PT). For example, the decay of a b-quark is mediated by short-distance physics, and its amplitude is calculable in PT. But this short-distance physical process is intertwined with the non-perturbative physics that bounds the b-quark to the light degrees of freedom in a B meson. If moreover the decay products are quarks, these will hadronize through dynamical effects also of non-perturbative nature. There is currently no systematic analytical approach to calculate such long-distance effects. This is an important and interesting problem on its own, but also crucial for NP searches in flavor physics.


The use of effective field theories (EFTs) allows one to separate short- and long-distance physics systematically order by order in a power expansion. This is known as factorization. A revolution in the theoretical understanding of B-meson decays took place when it was realized that the large energy of light decay products in the heavy b-quark limit leads to a power expansion in effective field theory. This effective theory is known as Soft-Collinear Effective Theory (SCET). It was developed by Iain Stewart (supervisor of this project at MIT) and, in a different formulation, by Martin Beneke (supervisor of the project at TUM). SCET has been used successfully to describe inclusive and exclusive B-decays at the leading power, for which perturbative kernels are known up to next-to-next-to-leading order, and non-perturbative input has been studied in detail. The systematic theoretical framework for Non-Leptonic B decays based on SCET (or QCD factorization) has been fully developed in the case of two-body B decays. This development has contributed to our understanding of the structure of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) in exclusive amplitudes, and has had important phenomenological applications, such us the measurement of CKM parameters.


Non-Leptonic Three-Body B Decays are, in a sense, more interesting than two-body decays. First, they are more abundant: while there are ~100 different two-body decays, there are ~1000 three-body decays. Second, while the kinematics of the two-body decays is fixed, three body decays amplitudes depend on two kinematical variables, which allows to study kinematical distributions. As an example, three-body decays include “quasi-two-body” decays in the kinematical regions where two of the final particles mix with a strong resonance. The study of kinematical distributions of three-body decays allows thus to study quasi-two-body decays without model-dependent assumptions on resonance line-shapes. Third, there is a tremendous amount of accumulated experimental information on three-body B decays from B-factories and from LHCb. This data can be used to extract information on CP violation parameters of the SM.


However, a theory of three body B decays does not exist yet.  The purpose of this project has been to develop the theoretical basis for the description of non-leptonic three-body B decays and use it to perform phenomenological studies of interest for HEP, from hadronic physics to beyond-the-SM physics.


While the funding period came to an end on September 2019, the paths and directions that resulted from this research continue open, and soon new results will see the light...






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    Project Results    









We have completed the set of Light-Cone Sum Rules with dipion Distribution Amplitudes for the B → ππ form factors, by deriving the sum rule for the timelike-helicity form factor Ft. These sum rules are complementary to the ones derived in (Cheng, Khodjamirian, Virto, 2017) in terms of B-meson DAs, and complementary to the derivations from dispersion theory, and to the calculations at large dipion masses.























The form factor Ft obtained here, while not contributing to the semileptonic B → ππlν rate in the massless lepton approximation, plays an important role in the factorization formula for the Non-Leptonic Three-Body B decays such as B → πππ. Further improvements of the sum rules presented here and require the inclusion of higher-twists and NLO corrections, but most importantly a better knowledge of dipion DAs and their Gegenbauer coefficients.










Accurate theoretical predictions for exclusive B-meson decay observables are of utmost importance for studies of the the Standard Model and New Physics, but require a careful assessment of the theoretical inputs used. Light-Cone Sum Rules (LCSRs) are particularly prominent tools to compute the form factors involved.


In this article, we focused on the determination of B → K-star form factors from LCSRs with B-meson Light-Cone Distribution Aamplitudes (LCDAs). We extended the framework to consider B → Kπ form factors for the P-wave, which include effects such as the non-resonant production and the width of the K-star meson. We analysed all vector, axial and tensor form factors needed for the phenomenological analysis of B → Kπll in the P wave in the Standard Model. We first derived LCSRs with B-meson LCDAs for these form factors, generalizing the results of (Cheng, Khodjamirian, Virto, 2017) for the case of two pseudoscalar mesons of different masses in the final state. These sum rules provide relationships between the convolution of the timelike  vector form factor and a B → Kπ form factor on one side, and the Operator Product Expansion (OPE) of a well-chosen correlation function expressed in terms of B-meson LCDAs on the other side.


On the OPE side of the sum rules, we computed higher-twist two- and three-particle contributions, and we proceeded to a new, well motivated, determination of the threshold parameter, somewhat lower than earlier determinations.


On the hadronic side, we introduced a resonance model for the B → Kπ including the K-star(980) and the K-star(1410), so that our sum rules can be used to constrain the parameters describing the two contributions. This resonance model is related to the model used by the Belle collaboration to determine the vector form factor from the τ → Kπ ν differential decay rate, and which describes the spectrum very well:


























We then exploited our set-up phenomenologically with the following results:


  • We considered the narrow-width limit of our LCSRs to check that we recover the known B→K-star sum rules, and to assess the correction due to the finite width of the K-star meson. We find that this correction is universal for all form factors and amounts to a multiplicative factor W=1.1, corresponding to a 20% enhancement of the decay rate. This result does not depend strongly on the details of our model and it should be taken into account when computing observables with B→K-star form factors obtained from LCSRs derived in the narrow-width limit.





























  • Comparing with earlier determinations, we find that our results for the form factors in the narrow width-limit are consistent but with lower central values. Several competing effects compensate each other (choice of the B-meson decay constant, the K-star(980) coupling constant, the threshold parameter) so that the difference can be mainly attributed to the contribution from the twist-four two-particle contribution g+(ω).


  • We then considered the impact of an additional K-star(1410) contribution to our model. This contribution is small in the case of the vector form factor, but in principle it could be large for the B → Kπ case. Our sum rules provide a combined constraint on the K-star(980) and K-star(1410) coupling constants describing the height of the two resonances in the B → Kπ form factors (with a much smaller weight for K-star(1410)). An increased K-star(1410) contribution would correspond to a smaller K-star(980) contribution, and thus a lower value for B → K-star form factors:






























  • We turned to the B → Kπµµ differential decay rate in the K-star(1410) region, which has been measured recently by the LHCb collaboration. The branching ratio and the angular decay distribution in this window provide bounds on the contribution of the K-star(1410). If a huge contribution is ruled out, the current data leave room for a K-star(1410) contribution of moderate size, which could lead to a decrease of the K-star(890) contribution (and thus the values of the B → K-star form factors) of around 10%.



​Considering the more general B → Kπ form factors and constraining them using LCSRs with B-meson LCDAs, we have identified three effects of rather different nature that affect the determination of the B → K-star form factors:


  1. a universal effect related to the finite-width of the K-star increasing by 1.1 the value compared to the narrow-width limit,

  2. an effect related to the inclusion of the two-particle twist-four B-meson LCDAs leading to smaller values in our case compared to earlier calculations, and

  3. an effect of the K-star(1410) contribution that could decrease the K-star(980) peak up to 10% according to the data currently available.


All three effects have a direct impact on the prediction of the B → K-star µµ branching ratio and thus on the importance of the current discrepancy between SM expectations and LHCb measurements of b → sµµ branching ratios. Let us add that B → K-star µµ angular observables (such as P5' ) are less affected by this discussion as they are insensitive to the overall normalization of the form factors.


One may wonder whether previous determinations or other approaches are sensitive to these issues. Previous light-cone sum rule determinations using the B-meson LCDAs have worked under the assumption of the narrow-width limit, so that any correction related to a finite width is missed. The K-star(1410) contribution is included through quark-hadron duality in the choice of the threshold parameter, but this contribution is obviously hard to disentangle from the continuum contribution and it suffers from significant uncertainties (suppressed after Borel transformation). A huge contribution from the K-star(1410) would require a significant failure of the quark-hadron duality, but the moderate contribution discussed here could be included in uncertainties associated with the continuum contribution. Other LCSRs exploit different correlation functions, so that the OPE contribution is expressed in terms of light-meson LCDAs (either K-star or ). They have the advantage of providing an expression of the form factors directly in terms of the OPE part, and not through a convolution with the Kπ form factor as in our case (which required us to design a resonance model for the B → Kπ form factors). However, this simplicity prevents these sum rules from providing corrections to the narrow-width limit (the LCSRs with a vector resonance are not smooth limits of the LCSRs of the dimeson DAs). The size of the contribution of the K-star(1410) is in principle partially encoded in the dimeson LCDAs, which are however poorly known, whereas the K-star LCDAs are essentially unable to probe this question. Finally, lattice QCD simulations investigate a different kinematic range for the transfer momentum. The first lattice results on B→K-star form factors include configurations where the K-star meson may decay into , but there was not enough data to investigate the impact of finite-width effects in this kinematic regime. This could in principle be studied more extensively using a lattice set-up dedicated to the analysis of unstable resonances.


Concerning the K-star(1410) contribution to the B → Kπ form factors, a huge effect would require an usually large dependence of the form factors on the dimeson invariant mass to bridge the LCSR and the lattice results and it could have led to difficulties in extracting the K-star(980) signal from lattice data under a very large background of excited states, but the moderate contribution discussed here does not seem to contradict the current results from lattice QCD on these form factors.


Our study of B→Kπ form factors through an extension of well-known sum rules has highlighted several effects that may impact the current determination of the form factors used to analyse B → K-star ll and other decays of the form B → K-star X. Several improvements would help assessing these effects more precisely. The models for the B-meson LCDAs should be investigated and constrained more tightly to assess the role played by higher-twist contributions. The LCSRs could be exploited with additional models for the and B→Kπ form factors to consolidate our results. Finally, the differential decay rate for B→Kπµµ at high invariant mass could be measured more precisely to provide tighter constraints on the K-star(1410) contributions. This would also require a better knowledge of the other partial waves that are contributing in this invariant mass window. If the D wave seems small, the S wave interferes significantly with the P wave analysed here. The relevant B → Kπ form factors could be investigated with similar LCSRs to the ones considered here. This should lead to a consistent picture of the contributions from higher resonances to the B → Kπll decay, and to a deeper understanding of the anomalies currently observed in b → sll transitions.



















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    Summary of Activities    

This is a summary of the activities carried out by the fellow Javier Virto within the context of the Research Project.





Seminars and Talks at Universities


  • Physics Colloquium, KIT Karlsruhe (Germany), 20/07/2017

  • Theory seminar, Universitat de Barcelona (Spain), 05/10/2017

  • Theory seminar, Brown University (USA), 29/11/2017

  • Theory seminar, CP3 Louvain (Belgium), 06/03/2018

  • Interview seminar, IPPP Durham (UK), 08/03/2018

  • Talk at BSM journal club, MIT (USA), 16/03/2018

  • LNS Lunchtime Seminar, MIT (USA), 22/05/2018

  • Talk at BSM journal club, MIT (USA), 28/09/2018

  • Lunch Seminar, University of Bern 11/10/2018

  • Theory seminar, University of Indiana, 29/11/2018

  • Theory Seminar, Harvard University, 11/12/2018

  • Theory Seminar, IFIC / Univeristy of Valencia, 08/01/2019

  • Literature Seminar, TU Munich, 05/02/2019

  • Theory Seminar, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 16/05/2019



Talks at Workshops and Conferences



  • UK Flavour 2017, Durham (UK) 06/09/2017

  • Lattice meets Continuum 2017, Siegen (Germany) 19/09/2017

  • 5th Autumn Workshop: Physics of the SM and Beyond, Tbilisi (Georgia) 25/09/2017

  • Workshop on the physics of HL-LHC, and perspectives at HE-LHC, CERN 31/10/2017

  • 7th Workshop on the implications of LHCb measurements and future prospects, CERN 08/11/2017

  • b→ sll 2018: 6th Workshop on Rare Semileptonic B Decays, Munich (Germany) 20/02/2018 (two talks)

  • Aspen Center of Physics, 07/08/2018

  • Workshop “Heavy Quarks Through the Looking Glass” (Th. Mannel Fest) 05/10/2018

  • La Thuile 2019 (Italy), 13/03/2019  --  talk​

  • DIS 2019, Turin (Italy), 12/04/2019

  • HEFT 2016, Louvain (Belgium), 15/04/2019  --  talk​

  • Portoroz 2019, Portoroz (Slovenia), 17/04/2019  --  talk

  • SM@LHC Workshop, Zurich (Switzerland), 23/04/2019  --  talk

  • MIAPP programme 2019, Munich (Germany), 06/05/2019  --  talk



Other Activities and Accomplishments


  • Convener of the Rare Decays session at the 6th Workshop on Rare Semileptonic B Decays, Munich (Germany) 

  • Convener of the Heavy Flavor session of DIS2019, the XXVII International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects (Turin) 

  • Shortlisted for Lectureship at U. Durham, invited for interview 08/03/2018

  • Obtained a grant from the DFG to develop a Scientific Network (13.000 Euros)

  • Selected in the 1st position for the Ramon y Cajal 2017 program in Spain

  • Funding approval by the MITP (Mainz) for the organization of a workshop in January 2019:
    “Future Challenges in Non-Leptonic B Decays: Theory and Experiment”, which took place on January 14-18th, 2019

  • Organization of the “1st Workshop on Tools for Low-Energy SMEFT Phenomenology” (SMEFT-Tools 2019),
    which took place at IPPP Durham on June 12-14th, 2018

  • Funding approval by the WE-Haraeus Stiftung for the organization of the “SMEFT’2020 Physics School”,
    which will take place at the University of Siegen from 13-17th July 2020

  • Outreach: talk to 7 classes at Medford High School, on 14/06/2018 and 13/12/2018

  • Refereed 14 papers for different journals

  • Evaluations for the FSR Incoming post-doc Fellowships (Belgium) and AEI (Spain)

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Javier Virto

Universitat de Barcelona

Facultat de Física

Departament de Fisica Quantica i Astrofisica

Institut de Ciencies del Cosmos

Martí i Franquès 1, 6ª planta
08028 Barcelona
Tel.: +34 9340 21182

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